This morning, a friend and I took a home tour, and later in the day, I went to a local estate sale. In doing this, we were reminded of something we both know to be true. The homes we like the best have art, decor and furniture that appear to be collected over time. Gorgeous collections of art, furniture from different time periods, items clearly found on travels, heirlooms from grandma... these are the things that give a home personality and character. These are the things that tell people just who lives there when they walk in. And it's definitely what I like best. A beautifully decorating home is wonderful. But if it doesn't tell a story, leave me out!
To that end, I have some suggestions for you on what to look for when you are traveling, going to estate sales, thrifting, surfing facebook marketplace and at antique malls.
You can also sign up to download a comprehensive PDF I've created (see end of this post) that lists items I have found over the years, things I love looking for, and interesting ways to use vintage items. There are also helpful hints and tips on what to look for and other things you should know.
Looking at my own home, in just the living room alone, I counted at least 16 items that are vintage or antique. There's also original art and art prints from contemporary artists and some art of my own. (Find Bari J. prints here).
In addition, there's handmade items that you can't find anywhere else... Pillows I made from vintage fabrics and my own and curtains I made myself and you can too!

From the estate sale I went to today, I found a lovely mid-century faux bamboo chair that was perfect for my living room. I pulled a bamboo side table from our guest room to put next to the sofa, tying the two pieces together, and moved the sculptural side table I got on wayfair next to a the new chair for a modern/vintage juxtaposition and color contrast. I compbinded the bamboo side table with a Queen Charlotte candle that I got here in Charlotte from a local vendor. The art is by a friend, Mel Remmers, and the shade is on of our Bari J. shades (find here!) that can be used on lamps or hung. Also pictured here are cafe curtains that I made, plus a vintage mirror I got on facebook marketplace and an array of pillows handmade and purchased from local boutiques.

I own a vintage secretary desk I got off Facebook Marketplace, and that too, resides in this space. The chair, pictured here was found at a local antique pop up. It was upholstered in an ugly yellow velvet that was stained, but I knew immediately I'd have it custom upholstered in a fabric of my own that I'd have printed. You may recognize this print as the Bari J. "Portia" wallpaper and blanket (also pictured here).

Pictured on this side table is a pot metal lamp I found over 20 years ago in an antique shop in California (on top of my book, Bloom Wild). The art above the chair, pictured in the first photo is a mix of vintage and of Bari J. available in the shop (left). In the hallway, you see a vintage table, mirror and bench, mixed with a modern reproduction lamp from CB2.