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Why I resolved to journal, and why you should too!

Why I resolved to journal, and why you should too!

I'm not much of one for resolutions, but one thing I know is that in the past, journaling made a huge difference in my life. When I regularly journaled, it helped me to gather my thoughts and live every day more peacefully. Plus, science actually proves that journaling can bring you good things. It can help improve your memory and improve mental and physical health. It can help you with relationships and help you with productivity. And we all know what Oprah says about Gratitude Journaling.

That's why for 2023 I decided to start the practice again. One of my core beliefs is that every day should be pretty... the things we use should be pretty. So I created my own pretty Bari J. journal to share with you so you can start journaling too. 

This journal has 112 lined pages, and it is the perfect size at 5.75 x 7.5" to pop in your handbag and take with you. (I used to journal in the car when my kids were at after school activities and such, and it's a great thing to do when you're in waiting rooms and such too!)

Let me know what you think of this print, and what other Bari J. prints you'd be interested in seeing this pretty hardbound journal in!


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