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One Room Challenge - Blooming Laundry Room - Week Four

One Room Challenge - Blooming Laundry Room - Week Four

In the end, we will finish the One Room Challenge. But I gotta' say, next time, I pick an easier project. At least one that doesn't involve bashing tile or sawing out drywall by hand. We will likely finish a week or two past the deadline. Lesson learned. Who knew tile bashing was so difficult and would create so much destruction?

So here's where we are: 

We've removed the tile, and the plywood beneath from the countertops. Then we replaced the back splash drywall where the tile was on the wall. Sawing out drywall is NOT my forte. But I'm learning so much. My husband on the other hand is just so good at building things it's ridiculous.

He did have to replace one of the cabinets which he has built out already. He's also smoothed out the replaced drywall.

The butcher block is here and we took it out today for a look-see. It's gorgeous. We will be cutting that this weekend. And by "we" I mean my husband. I'll need to help him guide the wood through the saw. I'm very nervous about this. You may know I had a both a shoulder and a bicep tear last year and had surgery. It's been over a year, but I'm literally waiting for the other shoulder to blow. Yeah. I know. Crappy attitude, but that thing is already giving me trouble. So... I hope like heck I can be somewhat helpful without killing myself.

The plan is to finish the tops of the butcher block once it's installed. It's going to need about 8 coats because it will be near a sink. 

Speaking of sinks, that arrived too. And the shelving arrived as well. So did the faucet. So all of our materials are here. The UPS man hates me after to butcher block delivery. He literally asked me today if we were finished with our renovations.  I didn't have the heart to tell him about the kitchen. And the 40 tons of tile he will likely be delivering.

I have no photo updates because, suffice to say, it's UGLY in there right now.

In lieu of photos of the laundry room, this is a shot from the lookbook for my Splendor 1920 fabric collection for Art Gallery Fabrics. The wallpaper we are using is a print from the same collection. This conveys a bit of the feeling that the room will have The words I'd use to describe it is opulence meets utility. 

Bari J. Splendor 1920 Fabric Collection Art Gallery Fabrics

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