Now that you are familiar with the primary bathroom space I'm renovating, I'd like to introduce you to the design plan.
The over-arching look is Art Deco ... but ... with a hint of Scandinavian clean lines. And when I say, "over-arching" I do mean "arching". You'll find that I used a series of arches in the room from custom cut mosaic arches over the vanity to a 48" arched glass shower panel to the mirrors. To contrast, I used wood elements to warm the cold tile and glass and which added a bit of earthiness to the design. I will also soften the hardscape of the tile and fixtures with textiles in the room. Below is a bit of architectural inspiration I used to come up with my design.
As I got started designing, the first element I knew I wanted to incorporate was an arch over each sink at the vanity. The question was how to achieve the look. It could be done with paint, but I wanted the arches to be in tile, and originally I wanted the arches inset using drywall. However, because I wanted the whole wall tiled, there were many questions about how to finish the drywall edges and transitions, so it was decided between the tiler and myself that we would keep the wall flat for ease and cost. The arches would be pink tile, and the rest would be ivory. I went with 2" pink hexagons from sponsor, The Tile Shop. The ivory hexagons will also be the floor tile. We are doing a zero entry shower (no threshold to step over) so I continued the same tile all along the whole floor.
Also from The Tile Shop, is the bathtub surround tile. I kept with the matte ivory here, but this time, went with a long 12" subway tile with a unique installation that I'll be showing you in the coming weeks. I did this to contrast and break up all the hexagon mosaic in the room.
More on the tile plan including the shower, next week!
the plumbing fixtures
Here I went with a gorgeous brushed brass design from the Kohler Purist collection from sponsor, Build with Ferguson. "Vibrant Brushed Moderne Brass"
the vanity plan
I undoubtedly wanted a floating vanity for this space, but I couldn't find what I wanted in the length I needed pre-finished. For this we went to a local carpenter. I won't show you the whole piece until the full reveal, of course, but here's a little sneak peak of it prior to when the tile went in. Oddly, the vanity was the first thing installed. This was so that tile could be put in all around it. It's a fluted design made out of hickory.

The lighting plan
There are three things in a good lighting design: Ambient or all over light, task lighting and accent lighting. For the ambient lighting, we kept with recessed cans which were already in the bathroom. This fills the room with light. For task lighting we chose two vanity lights with sponsor (the Hope Vanity Light), Hudson Valley Lighting and Mitzi. For a bit of accent lighting, I am putting a chandelier (Saratoga by Hudson Valley Lighitng) over the tub. I'm assuming this light will be used on a dimmer simply for mood lighting.
The reality
In reality, one could not get a bathroom of this size finished in the current frenzied home remodeling climate we are in. Labor is not available and it's taking forever to get products. So, as you know, we started this project on February 24. The first two weekends we did the demo ourselves. The next two weeks or so we brought in the pros to raise the floor, move plumbing and install electric as well as put drywall back in place. We are now 10 weeks in. The bathroom is not yet finished, but we are close. I insisted on on faucet with running water, so since the sink and counter went in this week, that has been installed just to get us in a more livable space. More on the process, how it all really went down and more materials we chose will be revealed next week.
Visit All of the Featured Designers
Don't forget to visit all of the featured designers and be sure to look for all of the guest designers on Instagram using the hashtage #oneroomchallenge as well on Thursdays for the next eight weeks.

Olivia Robert
Amazing tips! I think most of the people did not know about it. Thanks for sharing such nice tips! I really love this blog and content is really useful. Thanks for telling us about the importance of solvency. Keep sharing this post more and more.
The DIY is very well made, extremely informative and the directions are easy to follow.
Art Deco arches are the best. This is going to be fabulous my friend!
Lindsey Mahoney
I love this tile selection and your design concept! Can’t wait to see this bathroom come together :)
Maggie Overby
The pink with the gold tones is going to be amazing!
This is going to be beautiful! I love your inspiration and am excited to see how it’s all coming together!